
#24 Olive Thrush

I can tell which fruits is yummy by color! 


Olive Thrush
(Turdus olivaceus)

Photo by THE FLACKS photography
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Where can I find 
Olive Thrush in Uganda?

This bird distribute to east and south Africa.

In Uganda, they can be found in the west edge and the east edge, 
such as Echuya forest reserve.
The Turdus thrush are very similar, but in the main have different ranges, habitat preference and altitudinal limits.

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24. Olive Thrush

NFA bird Podcast: I am Johnnie Kamugisha. 
The bird for today is the Olive Thrush
The Olive Thrush is in its range, one of the most common members of the thrush family.
Olive Thrush is predominantly a forest loving bird that also occurs on forest margins, riverine thickets and wooded parks and gardens.
The tail and the upper parts are coloured dull olive brown. The vent is white and the rest of the underparts  orange; bill and legs yellow.
The throat is speckled with white spots.
It feeds on insects, earthworms, fruits, spiders and snails.  
There is belief that Olive Thrushes select fruit on the basis of fruit colour.
The Olive Thrush can reach a length of 24 cm and a weight of 100 gm.
It builds a cup nest, typically up to 6 meters above the ground in a tree.
The 2 - 3 blue eggs are incubated mainly by the female for about 2 weeks.
The scientists have tried to find out why some birds lay blue eggs, but they haven’t come up with answer.Because at first they thought it was a good camouflage, laying blue eggs in the dark nests with the ridges in the trees above, predators wouldn’t able to see them. But one scientists tried to that with different colored egg, blue spotted put into the nest, but the predators found them and ate them in the same ways. So the answer has not been found why some birds produces blue eggs though some still thinks some birds has got gland in them that has got bluish star that goes in to eggs as well.

They can be found in forests like Bwindi, Echuya among others.
The bird for today is the Olive Thrush and am Johnnie Kamugisha

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