
#22 Western NIcator


Recorded Data: Louis Boon

Western Nicator
(Nicator chloris)
 Photo:  Tomo Akiyama
Enjoy his great photos from http://www.wildlifejapan.com/wildlifejapan/

Eastern Nicator
(Nicator gularis)
This is one of Nicator genus. Eastern and Western are very much alike.
Photo by Alan Manson
Enjoy his wonderful photo! 

Where can I find 
Western Nicator in Uganda?

Uganda is the eastern edge of their distribution, 
therefore they can be found in western Ugana, 
for example,  Kaniyo-Pabidi ecotourism site, Busingiro ecotourism site 
and Echuya forest reserve.

Press "read more" for the full Script of the program

22. Western Nicator

NFA bird Podcast: I am Johnnie Kamugisha. The bird for today is a Western Nicator
Nicator is a genus of songbirds endemic to Africa and the genus contains three medium sized passerine birds.
There is still an argument about the grouping of the Nicator genus.
Some authorities placing it with Bulbuls and the other authorities placing with Bush-shrikes. 
These are Western Nicator, eastern Nicator and the Yellow-throated Nicator.
The Nicators are endemic to Sub-Saharan Africa.
The Western Nicator has a mostly continuous distribution from Senegal to Eastern Uganda and Northen Angola.
The Western Nicator is very similar to eastern Nicator only that the sides of its face and crown are olive-green.
It is best identified by its range and call or call it vocalisation but the size is the same 23cm.
It can be found in forests like Budongo, Kibale, Echuya among others.
The bird for today is the Western Nicator and am Johnnie Kamugisha.

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