
#4 Red-capped Robin-Chat

Let us introduce African top singers!

Let us introduce African top singers!  >>Listen to the story about Robin Chats Cannot listen? Download the sound file from here!

The singer is...

Red-capped Robin-chat(Cossyphanatalensis)

You could enjoy his 3 different songs in the radio.

A "Cup nest" built by a Robin Chat
Photo by SweetKittyCat

Where can I find 
Red-capped Robin Chat in Uganda?
This Bird are southern part of Ugandan forest.

Press "read more" for the full Script of the program

Robin-chats are small insectivorous birds in the genera Cossyphicula and Cossypha.     
They were formerly in the Thrush family but, are now more often treated as part of the Old world flycatchers.
For example the subspecies White-browed Robin Chat preferred habitats are riverine forests with patchy canopies and dense evergreen thickets, shady trees and shrubs along lakes and rivers. But, they can also be found in thickets on the edges of open     habitats, parks and gardens. 
They build what are known as open cup nests out of very plant materials like leaves and twigs, lining them with rootlets, leaf midribs among others.
Their clutch may be 2 -3 eggs only incubated by the female for about half a month but the raising of the chicks is done by both parents which become independent after about 4 weeks.

Written and read by Johnnie Kamgisha, a bird guide of Birding in Paradise.

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